How to make an amulet for love with your own hands?

Everyone wants to experience mutual love in their lives. Even if he doesn't admit it, he deeply wants it. If you have not yet experienced the happiness of falling in love and being loved, then you can bring love into your life by making an amulet for love.

amulet pendant for love

What is a love amulet?

The amulet of love is, as a rule, an object in which a magical conspiracy is applied. Such an object for success in love can be almost any material object.

The amulet works as follows to attract love. After passing through the magic month, the object becomes a concentration of a certain energy, which includes love in a person's life. Such a love talisman should be taken with you or kept in a secret place known only to its owner.

Such an attractive object also changes the field of information around a person. It creates the energy of love for him. A person from the outside world can be attracted only by those who are inside and in their feelings. Thanks to the amulet, a person meets people on the road who can fit him well. This does not mean, however, that it does not take courage to build a loving relationship. The talisman will only attract the meeting you want, but the person must still be mentally prepared for that meeting.

If the promise of love has already taken place, then you can no longer carry the amulet with you, but you cannot get rid of it. He needs to be thanked and cared for. In this case, you can now say another conspiracy over the talisman that will keep your true love.

How to make an amulet to attract love?

  • To attract love, talismans should be made in a good mood, in a positive wave. Because by performing this ritual at home, you instill feelings for it. If you are offended by men, it is better to resolve this resentment first, and then move on to the ritual.
  • Talismans for love should be made in the growing month. The moon is the guardian of the energies of love, sex, and if you take into account its periods, it will definitely increase the power of your amulet.
  • When preparing amulets and talismans for great love, it is important to think about who to perform such a ritual. It is advisable not to think about the person you are in love with. Better imagine a collective psychological portrait of the person you want to be in front of. In this way, you expand your ability to be loved.
  • Your faith and hope are crucial in this magical month. If you do not believe that it will help you find happiness in a relationship, there is no point in fixing this amulet. Such an attraction brings rays of love only to those who believe in it.

Clay amulet for the heart

An amulet that you make and talk about with your own hands will work better than buying a ready-made amulet from a magician. You can make your little heart out of clay. This should be done during the growing month. In some ways, this amulet will be Slavic, because our ancestors also made amulets out of clay. When you have a strong belief in love, keep such a heart in a good mood. When your heart is ready, tell him the following conspiracy:

"Necessary, loving heart, loving heart. I have a happy heart, a heart of love, I try to attract you. You hear my hard work with your heart, you created it for yourself with your own hands, you attracted me. "Let the feeling of love burn between us, happiness is immeasurable with our own hands and we will create. I attract a young man, I talk to him. Go ahead. Find. Amen. "

You can make a beautiful bag for him to protect the heart of clay. Make a bag with a rope so that you can squeeze it. Wear such an amulet around your neck or keep it out of sight. It is advisable to communicate with the heart every night, to thank in advance for success in love, that you will make yourself happy and fill your heart with gratitude.

Amulet made of natural stones

Charms made of natural stones work very well for success in love affairs. It is advisable to choose the charm of the stones for yourself according to the constellations. Such talismans attract not only feelings of love, but also money. However, for personal happiness, the following conspiracy must be applied to such a talisman:

"I draw magical love energy from stones. My stone, the stone shines with me. Let my personal happiness go to that spark. I will create with my own hands. Man sees my light, goes to the gravel. Together we will shine like two pebbles. draws, he gets a pebble to help. Forward. Get. "

After that, such a pebble, of course, should be worn around the neck. If you find yourself in a company where you do not want to attract anyone, such a glamorous decoration is simply hidden under your clothes. And as soon as you feel that you have a potentially interesting person with you, immediately remove the stone from under your clothes so that it works for its intended purpose.

Wooden amulet

Create a charm out of wood to evoke feelings of love. All you have to do is choose a tree. Choose according to your zodiac sign. Or, as a last resort, take a male tree if you are a man, and a female tree if you are a woman. Even an ordinary branch from a tree can be a talisman in love if you build the right plot.

On the evening of the rising moon, take your wooden amulet and say the following words to it:

"Tree of life, tree of love, you are the embodiment of the family. Help me to continue my family. Help me find a person I want to root, I want to be together. Plant power, strength, give me life force, love energy. Your happinessmy memory, my love. With you I will find him, with you nothing is scary. Forward. Take. "

Allow such a branch to dry in a secluded place in your home. It is said that it is better to sew attractive branches on pillows. By the way, a similar conspiracy is allowed to be applied to a living tree. To do this, you need to hug a tree and say all of the above. The tree responds very quickly to sincere requests. You will see that your situation, thoughts, and feelings about the opposite sex have changed, and you will now have more hope and confidence. This means that you will convey other feelings to the world.

Tattoo amulet

But the amulet does not have to be material. Some choose tattoos as amulets. By the way, if you are afraid of getting a tattoo for life, then you can do a temporary tattoo, for example, with henna. In summer, your body will be decorated. You can choose any character, the main thing for you is to encrypt it in a certain way. Examples of things you can do for yourself as a sign of love:

  • An amulet to attract great love in the form of a tattoo can beat a beautiful heart, of course it will mean love. Moreover, the change of hearts can be very different.
  • It can be a flower, peony or flower. This means that you want a sensual and romantic relationship. Choose a specific picture and go to the salon with it.
  • The sign of infertility can also express your faith and your desire for eternal love, where loyalty prevails between partners.
  • It can be a kind of mating. Two wings, two birds, two animals. This also applies to happy relationships. But choose pictures where the animals will treat each other really well.
  • It can be "love" written in different languages of the world. Or a quote that embodies your attitude to this feeling.
  • The clasping of hands also symbolizes the relationship.
  • It can be something you make yourself, the main thing is to add your own meaning to the tattoo.

Amulet scent

You can create your own fragrance that will bring love to your life. For this you need a small bottle of perfume and essential oils. There are some essential oils that contain notes of love.

First, pour a little oil into the glass. It can be wheat germ oil, grape, olive oil. And then add two or three of your favorite love scents to this base. Among the essential oils that are responsible for the feelings of the heart:

  1. Bergamot oil - perfectly relaxes, excites and awakens the imagination.
  2. Geranium - the smell of passion, will bring a storm of new feelings to the relationship.
  3. Ginger - will give you determination and initiative in dealing with the opposite sex.
  4. Jasmine - awakens sensitivity, promises romance.
  5. The smell of cinnamon flirting, comfort, will help to bring lightness and playfulness to the relationship.
  6. Cedar - Allows you and your chosen one to boldly express each other's most secret feelings.
  7. Rose - the scent of love, will make you fall in love with each other at once.
  8. Orange - will bring joy to the relationship, if the relationship is not close enough, then the orange will help to resolve it.

Rub with such spirits near the ear and behind the neck. Be sure to make such an amulet for love in a good mood.